Born and raised in Minnesota, I live in Switzerland since 1975.
Hold degrees from University of Minnesota, from Webster University in Geneva, from University of Geneva and from the Institut de la Famille in Geneva (Systemic Therapy).
In 1999, I opened a private practice in the area of Vevey / Montreux and from 2008 to 2018 also in Chesières / Villars, near International schools I work with, as well as with a private clientele.
For several years, I taught in the Master of Arts program in Counseling and the Bachelor level of Psychology, at Webster University, in Geneva. I supervised also the clinical training of students.
Member of the following professional associations:
ASP (Association Suisse des Psychothérapeutes) www.psychotherapie.ch/
AVDITS (Association Vaudoise d'Interventions et de Thérapies Systémiques) www.avdits.ch/
Bd Saint-Martin 21
1800 Vevey